It is Extreme Coatings standard procedure to provide a first time customer our coating service free of charge for six (6) months via our Purchase Encouragement Program or PEP. We don’t expect you to pay for an unproven product. We will give you the opportunity to prove these benefits in your specific process. The PEP is backed by our Double Life Guarantee and Free Rebuild Certificate.
Our warranty:
Purchase Encouragement Program (PEP)
Use our tungsten carbide coating free of charge for six months. If not completely satisfied, do not pay for the coating service. Return the feedscrew to our facility in Florida. We will remove the carbide layer and pay your screw manufacturer to recondition the screw to new OEM specification relative to the outside diameter (O.D).
Double Life Guarantee & Application Profile Sheet
Our coating is guaranteed to at least double the life of whatever feedscrew you are currently using. Double life is determined by you when you complete our Application Profile Sheet.
Application Sheet – Extrusion Application Sheet – Injection Molding
Return On Investment (ROI)
Information from the Application Profile will be used to estimate and prepare a written ROI for the coating in this process. A signed Rebuild Certificate and ROI estimate are part of our standard service to you.
Free Rebuild Certificate
We stand behind our work. If during the six month evaluation you are not completely satisfied, we will remove the coating and pay your screw manufacturer to recondition the screw to new OEM specifications relative to the O.D. This is our guarantee that you will not be dissatisfied.